Delta Farce Poster

Delta Farce (2007)

Action | Comedy 
Rayting:   3.5/10 10.7K votes
Country: USA
Language: English | Spanish
Release date: 11 May 2007

Three bumbling Army reservists bound for Iraq are accidentally dropped at Mexican village besieged by hostile forces.

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User Reviews

Lorenzofoto 16 May 2007

The only thing semi-good about this movie was the original premise. After that it was the most painful movie experience of my life. This actually may be the worst film I have ever seen. It is amazing to me that anyone could be unintelligent enough to like this film at all! In fact I think its what's wrong with America (but that's another letter for another time)! The entire time I was in the theater I thought I was on punked - because NOTHING COULD BE THIS BAD. The jokes weren't funny AT ALL, the story was ridiculous and unconceivable beyond belief, and it looked like it was shot on home video. The fact that this movie got Greenlit is dumbfounding to me. If someone wants to see something funny in this genre then see Three Amigos (of which this movie is a blatant rip-off). I am not even that liberal of a person....but this movie would lead people to believe that American's believe that Mexicans are useless, uneducated, people who need rescuing by the amazing Super Power. Its appalling how it tries to represent what we Americans "think" - and if it is, we are doomed! This movie was Racist, full of Homophobia, and just plain stupid. I am so angry this film was made I can't even think..

LeroyBrown-2 24 January 2009

Fmovies: This is one of the most horrendous movies I have ever seen. It's supposed to be a comedy but It wasn't very funny at any moment. And I don't know if it has a political message, is it pro Iraq war or anti, either way I couldn't tell. It's just a mess that should be avoided at all cost, it has no original joke and every joke has been told before. More than that, every joke and every situation that's supposed to be funny has been telegraphed and expected.

The movie is about a trio of redneck buddies who are in the Army reserves and are called up to duty to join the fight in Fallujah. Needless to say they did not make it there, but the redneck part is played to the hilt. From the first time they were introduced up to the time they landed at the wrong destination. Everything they do emphasize their ignorance and none of it is particularly funny. It's like the worst of "The Beverly Hillbillies" it's not even ignorance in some cases just stupidity. And it makes the movie more painful to watch than already is.

None of the jokes and situations are original, and most of them are telegraphed and quite very early. The situation with Larry and his girlfriend (Christina Moore) was pretty much where it was going to go. You can't convince me that you didn't know what she was going to say. Even the sight gags were so obvious, sending us endless message that this trio are a bunch of rednecks and they're suppose to do the redneck cliché.

Old jokes can sometimes still work if you have the right people to deliver it. Suffice to say this cast of goofballs just are not the right people. For the most part they know they're delivering a one liner or a punchline. It's been said that the best way to play comedy is to play it straight. These guys know they're in a comedy and what's worse is that they know it's bad comedy. None of the three leads are particularly good actors and what they do isn't create a character but rather create caricatures. Personally I find that that's common with comedians who try their hands at acting.

This movie is an unoriginal, unfunny, clichéd film. The jokes are clichéd and so are the situation. To make matters worse none of the lead are any good as actors.

ssto 5 August 2007

i'm not sure i understand some really hateful comments on this movie. i found it funny, in a lightly-spirited way, entertaining enough to keep me watching it to the end. nice characters, funny story and, well, laughable stereotypes

i didn't see anything even mildly insulting, or politically incorrect. maybe if you're Mexican it could offend you if you woke up this morning at the wrong side of bed (and not wanting to see that its the Americans this movie is laughing at, not the mexicans, dough!), but hey - do you also hate Desperado for the same stereotypes?

take it easy, have fun, if not - go spitting poison somewhere else please



dustinhunter707 10 September 2007

Delta Farce fmovies. I am going to be honest, I thought this movie would be a little funnier than it was but it wasn't a complete disappointment. The first 35 minutes of the movie was just plain retarded and unfunny, then after that it gets a little better. However seeing that the 3 leading comedians were Larry The Cable Guy, Bill Engvall, and D.J. Qualls, I still found the funniest guy in this movie to be Keith David. His role as Sgt. Kilgore made me laugh several times more than I laughed at the others, oh and Danny Trejo was pretty good as being the villain and being funny at the same time. But anyways I give this movie a 5 out of 10 because it starts off slow and unfunny, but then it kind of picks up and you might have a few laughs before the end credits start to roll.

nalders 26 January 2008

This is an unfunny version of Stripes. In fact, it's almost as though they took the script for "Stripes", replaced Bill Murray with Larry the Cable Guy, Russia with Mexico, and cut out most of the humor and wit. It has a bare handful of almost-mildly-amusing moments, and I only laughed because I was drunk. Mostly, though, it's just dumb. Really, really dumb. And not "funny" dumb. Just... dumb.

And what a waste of Marisol Nichols. That woman is as hot as this movie is bad.

Don't pay money to see this. Wait until it's on TV some night, when there's nothing else to watch. Even then, you might want to consider just going to bed early.

drtre2006 4 September 2007

OK why cant people just watch a movie and enjoy it for what it is why is it that every movie release has to be reduced to some ridiculous claim of racism. This movie is not exactly great but it was enough for me too be entertained through-out.DJ Qialls with his build is hilarious in this setting i haven't seen him in anything since The New guy.And well if you liked the blue comedy and more importantly Larry the cable guy you will get your fix "GET R'DONE".Nothing in this film is malicious or racist its just puns and dumb giggles. BUT come on What else would you expect.The only thing that i really didn't like in this movie was the American glorification but I've come to expected that All I can say is turn off your brain and you might like the movie.

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