Thoroughly Modern Millie Poster

Thoroughly Modern Millie (1967)

Comedy | Romance 
Rayting:   7.0/10 6K votes
Country: USA
Language: English | Spanish
Release date: 21 December 1967

Millie comes to town in the roaring twenties to encounter flappers, sexuality and white slavers.

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User Reviews

sscohn 2 May 2005

Thoroughly Modern Millie is a musical comedy classic, with a very memorable and wonderful musical score. Julie Andrews shows her versatility and charm, once again. Mary Tyler Moore is a special bonus in this film, and shows, once again, her fun side. Carol Channing is as charming as ever, and Beatrice Lillie is a riot! The rest of the cast is also well tuned. The film's continuity is well written and well staged. The sets, costumes and hairstyles were painstakingly well attended to in this period piece. This is just one more charming and delightful musical of the 1960s, and, alas, one of the last of its kind before the genre started to change.

jpkolo 30 March 2003

Fmovies: Sammy Cahn's lyrics still crack me up! (it's odd and sodom-n-gomorrahble...) And Julie complaining about her fronts being too full... Hello? Everything in that movie is thoroughly over the board. And well done too! Just seeing Bea Lillie's make-up and blue frock (Jean-Louis at his worst? best?) is enough too put you in the mood for more camp... And there's plenty more, including fireworks, car chases, air acrobatics and politically incorrect racial innuendos. They couldn't remake it as is anymore. Too bad! That's entertainment!

Guitar-8 30 May 2005

Sad to learn that this was Beatrice Lillie's final movie. But her henchman assistants had better things ahead. Oriental #1 would go on to the 12th Precinct (Jack Soo-Barney Miller) while Oriental #2 would go on to own Arnold's in Milwaukee and help Daniel LaRusso become a karate kid (Pat Morita).

One of my favorite running gags of the movie is the elevator where you have to dance to get it going. Julie Andrews, Mary Tyler Moore and Beatrice Lillie had to dance. Even Pat Morita and Jack Soo danced to the tune of "Japanese Sandman". The last time I ever heard "Japanese Sandman" was the theme to an old local TV farm report show in Houston, Texas (Dewey Compton).

dweck 1 February 1999

Thoroughly Modern Millie fmovies. Hard for me to be objective, here, since I've been madly in love with Julie Andrews since being first exposed to her crystalline voice when I was three.

But I'll try: "Millie's" first half is, to quote the screenplay, "Delish," with Andrews vamping and camping throughout. I am unable to take my eyes off her as she clowns, flirts, cavorts, and also sings and dances (getting her hotel elevator to work results in a showstopper). The vehicle--a pastiche of 1920s conventions (including "moderns") and filmgoing techniques (including iris-outs and title cards)--is the frothy light story of a British import who comes to America and finds true love.

The second half gets bogged down in the overwrought script, with all the machinations of a white slavery plot and a pair of "inscrutible" Orientals who, in this day and age of racial sensitivity, get far worse than they deserve.

Some history: Ross Hunter, the producer, wanted to film "The Boy Friend," the Broadway musical that had introduced Andrews to the U.S. stage. When the rights were unavailable, he devised his own script, using the same setting--the 1920s. A "small" musical evolved.

Then Julie's star went through the stratosphere. And the Universal "suits," smelling another payday, insisted that the movie be a road-show presentation--with a road-show running time(and at which road-show prices could be charged). Little "Millie" had an intermission added, and her running time was increased considerably.

The movie's still a lot of fun and definitely recommendable (especially to Andrews fans), but let's just say that, at times, it more than shows its stretchmarks!

dmorse 26 January 2005

I remember seeing this movie in college, and was impressed with it at the time; I bought the DVD recently and find it is a wonderful presentation; the colors are vibrant again and the music is well preserved and very listenable especially in surround sound....this version includes a musical intro. intermission music and exit music; unfortunately not any extras, other than the original trailer, but all in all a good package for the price....The twenties era is well portrayed, with the many fashions and fads brought into play and interwoven into the plot of the movie. The leads are all very good, with the exception of Mary Tyler Moore, whose acting is not very on key...Carol Channing is exceptional in the comic part of Muzzy, and there is a twist ending that involves her, which I won't give away to anyone who has not seen the movie....again the music and dancing make the movie with old standards such as Baby Face, Poor Butterfly, Do it again, and on and on with a few new ditties thrown in, by Elmer Bernstein and Andre Previn....this movie was nominated for several awards and one one for music...Enjoy!!

sol- 1 December 2005

A crazy but enjoyable parody of the films and fashion trends during the 1920s, it has everything from jazz music to silent movie title cards, and there is a hilarious kidnapping subplot tied in with the main storyline. It is a bit too silly, and plus 130 minutes is a little too long, with a few of the dance routines drawn out, but this is great entertainment otherwise. The title song, costumes and set design all reflect the era very well, the cinematography is excellent, making everything interesting to look at, and some of the editing work and the sound design are great too. The supporting cast adds a lot of flavour to the mix. Beatrice Lillie comes off the best but Jack Soo, Pat Morita, and just about everyone else are close behind. Maybe it is a bit silly, maybe it is overlong, but it is a delight and a compelling film due to its uniqueness and bizarreness.

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