The Electric Horseman Poster

The Electric Horseman (1979)

Comedy | Romance 
Rayting:   6.3/10 7.5K votes
Country: USA
Language: English
Release date: 17 April 1980

A rodeo star past his prime steals his company's horse and rides into the desert, with a feisty reporter accompanying him.

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User Reviews

moonspinner55 3 June 2007

Everyone involved in "The Electric Horseman" is taking it easy. The film is just a lark for some very talented people, and while it does have its amusements it doesn't add up to much. Robert Redford plays a rodeo-star who steals his celebrated horse, planning to ride it up to hill country to release it in the wild, but he's dogged by inquisitive female reporter Jane Fonda. There's a message about wildlife to be had in Robert Garland's exceptionally thin script, which must have attracted both Redford and Fonda, but director Sydney Pollack wisely concentrates on the leads' budding romance, and the horse takes the proverbial backseat. Some of the repartee is sharp, but the movie doesn't particularly look good or seem fully thought out. As a result, it's unmemorable and undemanding, though not without minor enjoyment. **1/2 from ****

Blueghost 18 October 2008

Fmovies: In the days when people treated one another with more civility, sound bites (bights) and high-energy opinion didn't rule the political scene, and sensationalism didn't masquerade as being newsworthy, Hollywood's film industry was cranking out fare that didn't placate to the juvenile demographic.

"The Electric Horseman" is a forward thinking film populated with adult actors that have adult sensibilities. There are no quick put-downs and one-liners comprised of single syllable words. And when I say adult, I don't mean the bawdy toilet film making styles that literally pollute the media air.

"The Electric Horseman" is mainstream cinema from the closing era of the 1970s. When people wearing ties and blouses attended the movie house, and did so politely.

In this regard "The Electric Horseman" is a throwback to another era when people had more comport in their personal presentation, and demonstrated an amount of civility and societal understanding. Even so, corporate greed is exposed in the plot, as well as the foibles of a femme-reporteress whose hunger for success shows her inner soul to both character and audience (appropriately played by Jane Fonda).

The stalwart American society is also appropriately reflected in Robert Redford's character, who gives us a character who must rediscover his "awe shucks" self through an act of humanity for the sake of a stricken and exploited living, breathing creature that cannot speak for itself; Rising Star.

Cinematography is professional, as are all elements of this film. No performance is overstated, save for Fonda, but, if I know Pollack, that was intentional. The feminist climbing the media ladder and forgetting her ideals by breaking the rules for the sake of those ideals, is met with the has-been buckaroo who has similarly rediscovered who and what he is.

The romance is standard Hollywood 101, but, though not entirely necessary, is still appropriate, and in this regard, probably satisfying to the audience--men and women alike.

It's not a deep film on a personal level, but it is profound on the character level. We sympathize with the characters and identify with them in a detached manner. They are extensions of us (or what we might've been) were we in those situations.

No flashy cuts, no CGI, no rumbling sound effects, no splashy cinema effects of any-kind, standard lensing, tight scripting, and solid thesping make this film a sight for sore eyes.

Thank you Mister Pollack, Mister Redford... and I'd never thought I'd say it, but, thank you "Mizz" Fonda.

schempp 5 May 2002

If you want to know why Robert Redford and/or Jane Fonda are considered by some to be great actors, rent this film. The story is not terribly complex, but the characters are. The life breathed into the Sonny and Alice by the stars of this film must be seen to be appreciated. Subtle, deep, perfect.

whpratt1 3 January 2005

The Electric Horseman fmovies. Over the years I seemed to have missed seeing this film and enjoyed the very young looking Jane Fonda and Robert Redford. The best part of the picture takes place when these two actors are in the outdoors and enjoying the so called comforts of a rough camping routine. Their first warm kiss gets the film interesting and their conversations become very comical and entertaining over sleeping habits and cold coffee. Jane Fonda played (Alice (Hallie) Martin) and Robert Redford was (Norman 'Sonny' Steele) who made plenty of electricity in this cute romantic film. If you like great photography of the West and two outstanding great actors, this is a film to enjoy.

TBJCSKCNRRQTreviews 1 March 2009

I like Pollack. I'm not sure there's anything that I wouldn't at least give a chance, as long as he had an important part in the making of it. This is probably the most formulaic thing I've seen of his... which isn't to say that it's necessarily bad. It's just that, well, if you don't see the majority of what happens in this, coming, the likeliest explanation is that you haven't seen one of the many films that follow essentially the same plot. It's not exactly unpredictable. The points of it are also made in a pretty see-through manner, with poignant speeches and the like. But with those in mind, and the fact that this isn't necessarily meant to be taken too seriously, this isn't bad. The direction is effective. Its editing and cinematography are well-done. The acting leaves little to be desired. The writing is good. The characters are at least average. The music is very fitting. That would be the original version, with Willie Nelson performing it, not the other kind. There is a limited amount of language in it, of varying degree, not a lot of which is terribly harsh. The drug/alcohol material is vague, and the sexuality tends to be tastefully done(for being partially set in Las Vegas, this is mighty clean). I recommend this to any lovers of the four-legged animal, Redford, Fonda and/or anyone else who helped create this. 6/10

greene515 23 November 2005

Saddle up! for this Excellent romantic-comedy, Robert Redford stars as Sonny Steele who once was a world class Rodeo star, but is now a washed up drunkard reduced to advertising breakfast cereal on TV for the shady AMPCO corporation,whose latest Publicity campaign features prize winning race horse Rising Star,

AMPCO's next junket takes place at Las Vegas where Redford is to Launch the campaign ,Behind a backdrop of glamor and corporate greed, Redford discovers that the horse has been drugged with an abundance of steroids,Redford saddles up and literally takes off with the horse in protest,

Jane Fonda plays Hallie, a news reporter who might just get an exclusive, follows Redford on his quest to release Rising Star into the wild to roam free.

Sydney Pollack, always with a great eye for casting, even has country and western favorite Willie Nelson, Valerie Perrine has an appearance as An old flame of Redford's, Wilford Brimley has a small role as kindly farmer who helps Redford on his way, Usual Pollack regular Composer, Dave Grusin Contribute's Greatly,

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