The Ninth Configuration Poster

The Ninth Configuration (1980)

Comedy | Horror | Thriller
Rayting:   7.1/10 6.6K votes
Country: USA
Language: English
Release date: 25 July 1985

A new commanding officer arrives at a remote castle serving as an insane asylum for mentally ill and A.W.O.L. U.S. soldiers where he attempts to rehabilitate them by allowing them to live ...

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User Reviews

chris-1691 23 June 2004

Like many things that Blatty has done, the more you put into the film, the more you get out of it. I have watched it maybe a dozen times, and every time I get something out of it. If you think a Steven Seagal film is mentally taxing... be prepared to be bored.

This is one of those films that is hard to categorize (Comedy, drama, etc.) There are certainly comedic elements, such as the crazy inmate casting a Shakespeare play entirely with dogs, but I would call it a drama. It is about "crazy" war veterans in an insane asylum, and some of what they do is comedic, other things are tragic.

This movie is certainly on my top 20 list of all time greatest movies, and I would recommend it to those that enjoy a good mind-bender.

beltransierra 11 May 2001

Fmovies: First of all, forgive my English. I'm a mexican who lives in Acapulco now, so I'm not Hamlet. (Is he crazy?) I saw The Ninth Configuration years ago, when i was just a kid because I was a fan of The Exorcist. (My parents did'nt know) But i was shocked by the movie. I loved it. Then i tried to find it in video as "Twinkle..." Just a month ago finally discover the real name. I bought it and saw it 2 times now. I was not wrong! I think the film is an astounding "War Film" You can see Petter Blatty from the first shots. (Is the Exorcist, without Reagan, in a tour near the Cukoos nest) I think is a film every filmgore must see a lot of times. The screenplay is a must! (The last scene could be cut and everyone happy) Well, I want to know who sings the opening song, if anyone can help!!)

Petter Blatty must Direct Again!

markdcampbell 5 October 2001

You may not know who Stacy Keach, Scott Wilson, Jason Miller, Ed Flanders, Neville Brand, George DiCenzo, Moses Gunn, Robert Loggia, Joe Spinell, Tom Atkins, or Richard Lynch are, but you have probably seen them acting in dozens, if not hundreds of roles.

They are the finest collection of great "unknowns."

Because these fine craftsmen blend so well into their roles, they are often left within the films architecture, forever the character they portrayed, unlike Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt who carry their names into every role they play.

This film, The Ninth Configuration, is perhaps one of the finest films I've ever seen. In dealing with madness, rage, heartbreak, drugs, violence, pride, loyalty, honor, and lastly hope, this film is perhaps too much for any "regular" movie goer. The humor is as sharp as guillotine, and the seriousness is as tight as piano string.

William Peter Blatty has been hailed for The Exorcist, and justly so (despite Stephen King's dismissal of him).

However, if you pull the shadow of the Exorcist away, you will find this true non-Hollywood gem resting in the corners of a dank castle in the northwest.

Brilliant writing, brilliant character interplay, and beautiful image and cinematographic work radiate through this film.

The best treat of all, is the Blatty actually appears in the film with his family members, Linda and Billy.

A great, great film that may not be for the weak-knee'd, but will satisfy anybody who has ever asked for "proof of the existence of God."

I call this film, the anti-Exorcist.



Selena-Kyle 2 April 2000

The Ninth Configuration fmovies. I have seen this movie more times than I can count, and have found that it gains something EACH AND EVERY time I view it. I am still astounded that it hasn't received the recognition it deserves.

I can't recall another film, ever, that has held up so well on repeat viewing or that has affected me as much as this one has.

sol-kay 30 March 2004

****SPOILERS ALERT**** Arriving at a secret military instillation in the cold and rainy Pacific North-West that looks like a medieval castle Col. Vincent Kane, Stacy Keach, takes charge of mental therapy for those mentally broken servicemen incarcerated there who's psychosis is due to their military experiences.

Right from the start everyone notices that there's something very strange about Col.Kane. He seems to have no emotions at all and talks in a mechanical like monotone that doesn't seem normal even among those servicemen with severe mental illness that are interned there. Allowing the patients to act out their fantasies seems too much for the staff as well as the inmates themselves. These inmates who in spite of their obnoxious behavior soon begin to realize their own psychological and emotional problems due to Col. Kane's unorthodox methods. Col. Kane by letting the inmates be free he made them see themselves for what they are by lifting all restrictions by the hospital staff that keeps them from seeing this and thus made it easier to cure them. Taking advantage of Col. Kane's meekness is one of the inmates Capt. Billy Cutshaw, Scott Wilson, an astronaut who broke down just before he was to blast off for the moon. We later see Capt. Cutshaw's real cause for his bravado is really his fear. Fear of being alone in space a loneliness that was just too dark and overwhelming for him to understand or face.

Capt. Cutshaw and Col. Kane have some of the most penetrating and thought-provoking talks I've ever seen or heard in a movie. The two have long conversations about love hate guilt good and evil as well as the existence or non-existence of God that are so eye, and mind, opening that for a moment I didn't think that I was watching a movie but seeing an intellectual and philosophical talk show discussion on late night public TV. As the movie continues with those on the screen, as well as the audience, in a state of confusion to just what it's trying to tell us it hit's us unsuspectingly like a lighting bolt out of nowhere. We get to see the real truth about Col. Kane and what are his reasons for him being in the hospital in the first place.

Very intelligent film about mental illness and how it manifests itself in so many different ways in how the mind works to keep the body from falling apart due to things that one just does not want to face. It would take a number of viewings of "The Ninth Configuration" to see this but it's well worth it.

We see both Col.Kane and Capt. Cutshaw go from denying their deepest fears to, in the end, understanding them. It took Col. Kane's willing and unselfish sacrifice for Capt. Cutshaw to see the light that he denied himself about the good that man has deep inside of him that was stronger then any argument, ethical philosophical or logical, that Capt. Cutshaw could make against it. It also took the truth about himself that Col. Kane tried to suppress since he was in Vietnam that in the end saved Capt. Cutshaw's life as well as redeemed himself.

Powerful and mind blowing film with an explosive bar-room brawl towards the end of the movie that went the limit in showing on film the Biblical saying "Turn the Other Cheek"! As well as an ending that showed that there truly is hope and redemption in the world even to those lost souls who don't believe or want it.

Captain_Couth 14 August 2005

The Ninth Configuration (1980) was William Peter Blatty's directorial debut. He adapts his own novel for the big screen in this bizarre film about an astronaut (Scott Wilson) who's reached his breaking point and a military doctor (Stacy Keach) who's trying to reach out to him. The cast has a who's who of Hollywood cast-offs (William Peter Blatty has a cameo himself as one of the patients).

This is a strange film that'll cause you to think (if you don't enjoy these type of films then I suggest you look elsewhere). An interesting movie about things that aren't as they seem, soul searching and seeking redemption through honor and self sacrifice. I liked the way these people have to look into themselves and see who or what they really are. I wished that William Peter Blatty made more movies and Hollywood should have gave Stacy Keach more film roles like these. He was quite impressive.

I have to to highly recommend this movie. But if you're expecting some mainstream popcorn nonsense then look elsewhere.

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