Soul Survivors Poster

Soul Survivors (2001)

Drama | Mystery 
Rayting:   3.9/10 8.4K votes
Country: USA
Language: English
Release date: 7 September 2001

A co ed is caught between the world of the living and the dead.

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User Reviews

JoeyBro 9 September 2001

An incoherent mess with a gratingly deafening sound track, "Soul Survivors" is the latest entry in the "who's dead and who's alive" genre of horror films. Two teenaged couples, Sean and Cassie and Matt and Annabel, prepare to go off to different colleges, but before they part until Thanksgiving Break, they attend one last fling at a rave-type party in some burnt-out church at the suggestion of lusciously slutty Annabel (Eliza Dushku, a.k.a. Faith, the other vampire slayer). Motiveless creepy guys start paying far too much attention to Cassie (the generic Melissa Sagemiller) for reasons that are never explained, and before long, the quartet leave the party. Driving away in their SUV, they are pursued and then passed by the motiveless creepy guys, who promptly and inexplicably do an intentional 180 in the middle of the highway, causing a nasty and fatal accident as the SUV flips over an embankment and plunges into a river. Sean is killed (or is he?), and Cassie spends the rest of the movie coping with loneliness and guilt (she was driving) when she's not being haunted by Sean's ghost or chased by those motiveless creepy guys. Much unexplained incoherence follows as Cassie's mental state degenerates further, until we reach the predictable conclusion. So, who is dead and who is alive? After ninety minutes of this purgatory, who actually cares?

MLDinTN 4 December 2002

Fmovies: I sure wish this movie was a dream, so I wouldn't have wasted 90 minutes of my life. It is way too confusing for the viewer. And I didn't like how it was edited together. The story, what you could make of it, was way too choppy. I guess part of the problem was I thought this was a scary movie with ghosts or something. But, it is supposed to be more suspenseful than scary. And last, I got to say this had the stupidest scene with 2 girls in the shower. What was the point of that?

FINAL VERDICT: I guess they were trying to make a 6th sense type film, but missed the mark. It'll hurt your head trying to keep up with what is going on since it jumps around so much, so don't waste your time with this one.

dkevinleroy 27 November 2002

This movie is highly UNDERrated....why? It has teen stars and was therefore promoted to a teen audience that was expecting another "Scream" or "I Know What You Did.." movie. This was one of the biggest studio marketing mistakes ever because this movie is WAY TOO DEEP for a teen audience. The symbolism and theology coupled with a complex storyline was geared for adult moviegoers in the fashion of "Memento" or "The Sixth Sense". No, this movie doesn't compare to either of those, but in no way is this movie as bad as the young reviewers will have you believe. Some moron studio exec thought they could make more money by taking the movie down to a PG13 rating and selling it to teenagers. Those teenagers were overwhelmed by this flick and weren't expecting a thoughtful suspense movie, they wanted another "Jason" thrasher gorefest, which this isn't. So they trashed it because they don't GET it. The editing could have been better and the very final scene stinks, but overall this is a well filmed, slightly erotic, captivating film that will make you think. 7 stars out of 10.

F1ame 25 March 2002

Soul Survivors fmovies. I loved the concept of the film, and the script is probably a fantastic read. But I have not read it, so I will not be so fatuous to cast praise or aspersion.

The main flaw in this film is the ease with which it confuses people. From reading reviews many people seem totally clueless as to what the film is about.

The journey that Cassie takes from denial with subconscious guilt to acceptance and despair is well thought out and interesting. Unfortunately there is a lot of rubbish thrown in to contribute to Cassie's confused state of mind. This only serves to confuse the viewer. And these are major plot red herrings too. Like thinking this is a horror film. If you are a sharp cookie and can hold multiple thoughts in parallel you will be able to decipher the film and get something from it... most likely you will like it. If you do not concentrate however, you will drown in a sea of confusion and feel you have just wasted and hour and a half.

Oh, and the first ending was sufficient... what that last bit was supposed to achieve I have no idea, but after a tough mental challenge the last thing you need is a tacked on, serves no useful purpose, post shoot, I'm gonna make you think this film is stupid, ending. Have they any idea how difficult it is to explain to a friend what the film is actually about and how they have completely missed the plot?

brandonsites1981 3 October 2001

A direct ripoff of Carnival of Souls 1998 version, only with a slightly different ending. A college student who is about to move away from her boyfriend decides to go clubbing with their friends, but after leaving the club they are involved in a mysterious car accident that kills her boyfriend. He friends are supposedly moving on, but there behavior has changed. She is being stalked by people at the club, she keeps seeing her dead boyfreind on campus, and she keeps having weird and disturbing visions. Is she going crazy? Or has her boyfreind returned from the dead?

Figuring out the answer to the mystery is very easy, but the film is done with style, has a few well done and exciting chase sequences, and a very appealing cast, especially leading lady Melissa Sagglimer who is a real find in her first feature length performance. However the ending is rushed and the film suffers from a feeling of deja vu, especailly since it has been done before and done better with other films.

darkjosh 11 April 2002

Like a relative that gives you a bad gift, Soul Survivors has its heart in the right place but trips up with a bad execution. Stephen Carpenter's writing/directing effort borrows freely from other, better films, such as Jacob's Ladder and Abre Los Ojos (Open Your Eyes). For those who haven't seen either of these films, I won't give the premise away; suffice to say it's not nearly as well handled here than in those two superior films.

Melissa Sagemiller stars as Cassie, about to go away to college. Her current boyfriend Sean (Ben Affleck) and ex-boyfriend Matt (Wes Bentley), both friends, and Annabel (acerbic Eliza Dushku) are in a car accident after being pursued by two killers (?) in transparent masks. She survives the wreck, but while attending college has visions of the hospital ordeal and dead people reappear and disappear, leaving her in a state of total confusion: who is dead? Who's alive? What's real?

Soul Survivors has the look of a bad been-there, done-that, gore-filled, blood-splattered, body-stacking teen exploitation flick. True, it has its share of killer-stalking-the-victim scenes (plentiful, repetitive, and mind-numbing), but at least it attempts to build suspense through ideas rather than cliches, unfortunately rather unsuccessfully. It breeds confusion much more often than cohesion, as the story becomes jumbled, messy and incoherent near key points of the mystery (predictable as it is.)

Horror fans who pick up a copy will have no idea they are in for a film that is more concerned with building an uneasy facade of reality than delivering a body count. Credit goes to Carpenter for attempting to create something beyond a derivative teen horror flick; too bad he's created a derivative psychological thriller. Sagemiller also deserves kudos for showing strength in the central performance, actually developing her character and evoking some sense of emotion as the unraveling Cassie. It's great the filmmakers try something different, but the film ends up a mixed bag and failed experiment.

4 out of 10

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