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Babysitter Wanted (2008)

Rayting:   5.5/10 7.2K votes
Country: USA
Language: English
Release date: 17 July 2008

In a small college town, a young girl working on a babysitting job in a rural farm is terrorized throughout the night.

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User Reviews

MovieGuy01 3 October 2009

I thought that Babysitter Wanted was a very good film. the story is about a small-town college girl called Angie (Sarah Thompson)Angie is hired by Jim and Violet Stanton to babysit their son Sam The Stanton's family live on a farm. she has recently heard of people going missing from around the area. she starts believes that someone is stalking her. while she is driving to the Stantons' farm, her car breaks down. She is given a lift by Rick (Matt Dallas) who is a mechanic he promises to repair her car for her. When she gets to the farm, Jim (Bruce Thomas) and Violet (Kristen Dalton)tells Angie that Sam is asleep upstairs, They leave her instructions for the night. suddenly during the night Angie receives some very strange phone calls and she hears noises coming from outside. Angie calls Rick and tells him that she is frightened. she also calls the Chief of Police he tells Angie that he will stop by the farm later in the night. to see if he can catch the person responsible. I feel that this was a very creepy movie but enjoyable.

evileyereviews 22 November 2010

Fmovies: This flick seemed a rip-off from another rather successful horror flick, but a look at the timeline shows that it actually came out first. Inspiration for its more successful rival? With that caveat, this low-budget affair deserves an honest mention. Starting with a stale premise and relying on some annoying sound effects, this one commences to travel down the banal road of mediocrity. Thankfully, it sneaks off to be much more than that, a welcomed change of plans for what could have resulted in some rather lethargic eyes. The acting was solid, especially owing to its otherwise low rent essence. The gore was at times laughable, but this surprisingly did not detract from the film itself. The other technicalities of the film were up to par, their inconspicuous nature more a boon than a defamation. Neither unflinchingly gratuitous nor enslaved to pander to the Hollywood set,Babysitter Wanted towed the line perfectly, with a stutter stop start ending that was ultimately a pleasant relief. Merci beaucoup.

Genruk of Evil Eye Reviews

Michael-Hallows-Eve 4 July 2012

This movie starts off with a lot of horror clichés like fake scares, the dark stranger in the shadows, the clean cut innocent girl and the love interest, and for the first 45 minutes it goes along that way until a little twist that you kind of don't see coming. Then the movie changes tact, blood, gore, and cringe worthy scenes which for me save this film from being a less than average 'WHEN A STRANGER CALLS' type movie which I would've given it a 3.5 to a not bad but not good 6 out of 10. It was good to see Bill Moseley playing a normal role for him. So as a result like I said, I give this a 6 out of 10, only because of the plot twist and blood.

sal10851 16 May 2013

Babysitter Wanted fmovies. If you enjoy horror films watch this movie!!! I absolutely loved it! It is similar in a lot of ways to "The Devils House" but the entire film goes in a different direction with an awesome twist. A twist you just do not see coming no matter how much you guess. The actual thought that this whole thing is even possible sends chills down my spine. I thought about this movie for 3 days after I watched it. I admit that some aspects of the film could have been a lot better but overall I gave it an 8 out of 10. Once again if you enjoy horror films as much as I do please watch this!! This film ranks on my top 10 of my favorite horror flicks.

BA_Harrison 24 August 2011

Babysitter Wanted starts off like pretty much every other babysitter in peril film you've probably already seen: a pretty, virginal high-school student takes a child-minding job in a remote house in the boondocks, where she experiences creepy noises, power outages, and mysterious phone-calls, before eventually being attacked by person or persons unknown. In short, it's about as formulaic as a horror film can get.

If you begin to bemoan this film's predictability, though, you're playing right into the hands of its makers, whose seemingly uninspired set-up exists only to catch the viewer off guard with one hell of a curve-ball halfway through: just as the film couldn't get any more predictable, writer/director Jonas Barnes pulls the metaphorical rug from under his viewers feet with an audacious plot development that has to be seen to be believed.

With his illusion of banality well and truly shattered, Barnes is finally free to explore new territory, but despite the introduction of some welcome black humour, a few well conceived moments of tension and a spot of surprisingly gruesome gore, the film never fully capitalises on its rather bonkers mid-point revelation. If only the madness had escalated exponentially from that point on rather than just kicking up a gear and staying there, I'm sure we'd have had another bona fide horror classic on our hands—after all, nothing succeeds like excess!

bowmanblue 17 December 2014

'Babysitter Wanted' is pretty much 'horror by the numbers,' It offers little that you haven't already seen before, i.e. pretty girl being stalked by... whatever madman/beastie the filmmakers desire.

However, just because it's formulaic, doesn't mean it's that bad. Don't get me wrong, it's no classic. It won't be remembered alongside Halloween and Scream, but, if you're into horror/teen slasher, then this could give you an hour and a half's general amusement (or just under ninety minutes actually, as it's quite a short film).

A girl takes a job as a babysitter and... well, let's just say things don't turn out as planned. It's a film of two halves. It does its best to lead you in one direction, only to then pull away in another (hoping you haven't already guessed what's coming).

It's far from perfect. The director seems to want to use brief bursts of incidental music at every given opportunity. It's too much and it just gets annoying. Plus, when the babysitter is alone in the house, obviously she has no one to talk to. Therefore she - kind of - gives us viewers a running commentary of her thoughts, taking the phrase 'thinking out loud' to its literalness.

If you're into horror and easily pleased (or just very forgiving of B-movies in general) then give this one a go. It slightly raises its head above the pool of terribly generic horror offerings currently on DVD.

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